
Our Sanctuary is completely open to public. Here is where we maintain the animals that couldn’t go back to nature. That can happen because of various reasons, for example, animals with physical injuries not allowing them to fend for themselves or animals illegally kept as “pets” that got used to humans. Each animal lives in a naturalized enclosure and each one has a different story behind their rescue that explains why they remain in captivity.

These animals are part of our Environmental Education Program, in order to educate people about wildlife and the threats they face, as the loss of habitat, illegal hunting or illegal petting. Know more about our Environmental Education Program here! 

Come and meet the animals at our Sanctuary.

Remember to visit us to learn more about them!


If you’re going to come to our Sanctuary, these are our Rules.

Also, when you visit us, we recommend bringing sun cream, repellent and water. 

Don’t touch, bother or feed the animals

Don’t use flash when taking photos or videos

Respect the security fences 

Don’t come in with pets

Don’t smoke

Don’t walk by the paths with food

Reserve your guided tour!

At Las Pumas Sanctuary we have a Naturalist Guided Program, so if you want a guided tour by our Sanctuary our Environmental Educator can give it!

In this tour you’ll learn about the wild animals living in our Sanctuary: you’ll know more about their behavior, natural history, ecology and you’ll discover why they couldn’t go back to nature. 

The guided tour is at no cost, but it’s subject to availability, so you should reserve it with some time in advance calling at 2669 6044 or 2669 6019, or writing an e-mail to laspumascr@gmail.com 

It will be a pleasure to show you our Sanctuary!